McNeese State University Athletic Foundation:
Power House – rebuilding the field house
Contact: Dr. David Buttross, III
“We’ve Got the Power. We Just Need the House.” was the theme Healthy Image came up with when McNeese State University Athletics came to us for creative strategy on how to raise funds to build a new field house and sports medicine facility, including a new sky box. At the time, the Jack Doland Field House was over 40 years old and in deteriorating condition. It hampered recruitment efforts and was too small to accommodate the growth of the MSU athletic program.
Healthy Image created a video showing the current condition, along with interviews from the athletic staff, students, and prominent community leaders who were former MSU athletes. The video was played during an on-site fundraising event that Healthy Image helped to coordinate.
Other items created included:
- Logo
- Brochure
- Fact card
- Commercial PSA
- T-shirts
- Advocacy to secure legislative funding
- Letter writing campaign
- Campaign kick-off event
Healthy Image also worked with the McNeese Student Government Association on an assessment added to tuition for the field house. The assessment received approval from the students and funds were dedicated to the construction of the field house.
The fieldhouse was completed in 2011 at a cost of $8 million with funds coming from corporate and private donations, athletic revenue, student assessment, capital outlay funds and a hotel/motel occupancy fee.

Lake Area Industry Alliance, Industry Insider Campaign
Contacts: Larry DeRoussel, Jim Rock
LAIA faced criticism for industry operations due to a great deal of misinformation in the community. They came to us for a strategy to educate the local community about internal processes within industry. Topics such as flaring, water vapor, safety and products made by local industry needed to be shared with the community so they could understand what’s happening and ultimately, create a strong relationship between local industries and the community.
Healthy Image created videos, print ads and social media posts based on the topics identified by LAIA. Industry employees were used as spokespeople to explain the various processes. In some cases, experts within the community were also featured to lend their expertise. This information was also added to the organization’s website.
Based on regular surveys conducted on behalf of LAIA, the public’s positive opinion of local industry and their understanding of the various processes increased. The survey results indicated a direct link between the Industry Insider campaign and positive feedback from the community.
Click here to visit the website we created for LAIA:
Link to the LAIA Industry Insider campaign. Within this, you can click on the links to view the various Industry Insider topics.

Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office
Contacts: Commander James McGee, Kayla Vincent
The CPSO came to us for help in hiring new dispatchers. This role is a critical one within their team and had very specific criteria for the applicants they wanted to attract. They need to hire nine new dispatchers and their goal was to get at least 25 qualified applicants.
We created a strategy, primary taglines (“Make the Call” and “Your Career is Calling”) and a multimedia campaign to help them achieve their goal and target qualified applicants. This campaign included a high-chase simulation, interviews with current dispatchers, former dispatchers who had advanced, and with CPSO officers about how much they rely on dispatchers. We had to effectively communicate both the high-stress demands and rewards of the job. Elements created included:
- Online videos
- TV commercial
- Social media content
- Print ads
- Billboards
- Outreach to schools
The response was so overwhelming that pre-screening application day had to be moved to SOWELA Technical Community College. Over 250 applicants applied. Twelve were hired immediately and since that time two years ago, others who applied have been called in, some placed in other positions within CPSO

Family & Youth Counseling Agency
Contact: Julio Galan
Family & Youth Counseling Agency (FYCA) came to us for help in creating a more user-friendly website for both its foundation and its divisions, as well as a virtual way for donors to give, volunteers to register for opportunities and patrons to purchase tickets for events.
We created a new site along with a rollout campaign that coincided with their 50th anniversary. The site is user-friendly for desktop and mobile versions, those that visit it and the staff at FYCA to manage and update as needed. The site came at a perfect time with the onset of COVID-19 and events cancelled for the foreseeable future. The traffic to the site has more than quadrupled pervious years and donations have been more easily made from both corporations and individuals.
In addition to their website, we were tasked to create two new commercial spots (we’ve done others for them in the past) to help increase client numbers for The Shannon Cox Counseling Center and to increase volunteers for the Children’s Advocacy Center. Through our efforts, FYCA client numbers increased and volunteer base expanded. FYCA’s CASA program recruited 20 new advocates, a record number for both this agency and the highest in the country.
Click here to visit the website we created for FYCA:
Diocese of Lake Charles: Camp Karol
Contact: Father Whitney Miller
Father Whitney Miller requested we work on a fundraising effort for building Camp Karol, a retreat center designed for the youth of the parish. Healthy Image created a brochure explaining the project along with a description of the various items and their costs, to educate parishioners on how their donations will be used.
Camp Karol was completed in early 2020.